From the Office of Mr. Joseph Santone, NMS School Nurse
Phone: 856-224-4900
If a student should be injured or ill, the following procedures will be used:
1. Students who become ill or have an accident during school hours should report to the school
nurse or Principal’s office. If he/she cannot physically go, the teacher shall contact the school
nurse or Principal’s office for assistance.
2. If the injury or illness warrants, the school nurse or Principal’s office will contact the home
or emergency contact designated by the parent/guardian (*See note below).
3. In the event of a serious injury or illness, the nurse will accompany the child to the nearest
hospital via ambulance. School authorities will contact the parent/guardian.
*NOTE: It is extremely important that you complete and return the emergency cards sent home with
your child. This information is crucial in contacting you or your designated emergency contact
person in an emergency. Please notify the school nurse or Principal’s office anytime if you have a
change in home, work, or emergency telephone numbers.
Medications Taken at School
According to Greenwich Township Board Policy #5330, the following guidelines must be adhered to for
your child to have medication during school hours:
1. Only those medications which are absolutely necessary for your child should be taken at school.
2. Only the school nurse and/or student’s parent/guardian may give medication during school hours.
3. A physician’s note AND parent permission form stating the following:
-name of medication
-dosage(s), time, and method of administration
-length of administration
must be provided to administer medications at school.
4. The medication must be in the original prescription or over-the-counter container and brought in
by parent/guardian. A student may NOT carry medication to school or carry it with him/her during
school hours or school functions (see exception below).
Exception: Self-administration of medication is permissible ONLY for those students in need of
medication for life- threatening conditions, such as asthma or severe allergic reactions. Please
contact the school nurse for information.
Controlled Dangerous Substances
- The Greenwich Township Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to ensure continuing
cooperation between school staff and law enforcement authorities in all matters relating to the
use, possession and distribution of controlled dangerous substances on school property.
- The administration reserves the right to search/seizure when there is reasonable belief that some
material which is detrimental to health, safety and welfare of the student(s) exist.
- Emergency situations may necessitate a search/seizure with or without the student’s knowledge or
Wherever possible, the student should be aware of a search of property assigned to him. In the
absence of a second party shall witness any search.